Those of you who subscribe to this blog by email know the mixed emotions I had about Vacation Bible School, for which I volunteered this summer. I posted a lengthy exposition about my conflicting thoughts which has subsequently been squirreled away in the hidden "things I write but would be wise not to publish" file.
However, suffice it to say that I did have a lot of introspective questioning going on in my mind the entire week of VBS. Forgive me. I'm hard-wired to evaluate everything.
That said, I was matched with some precious 8-year olds who were pretty darn fun to be around and assigned a shy, mild-mannered middle school assistant named Luke. All of these small folk were strangers to me before the week began but by the end we were hugging and high-fiving together. They graciously looked the other way when I flung myself into the wrong hand motions and generally zigged when they zagged during the group song time. Kids can be forgiving around geeky middle-aged adults if you give them plenty of snacks, smiles, and encouragement.
I finished the week feeling positive and hopeful but slightly unsure whether the little kids in Group #19 had moved forward in their spiritual walks. Ever the pessimist, I am.
So imagine my surprise when I trudged to the mailbox tonight, tuckered out from a hot two-hour swim meet and the tedious drudgery of turning over my kids' closets all day, only to find a letter hand-addressed to me in creaky, unfamiliar writing. Here is what it said:
Dear Christin,
I want to thank you for the love and encouragement that you showed my
grandson Luke at VBS this year.
You will never know what a positive influence you were to him.
God bless you for lifting his self esteem. I am praying blessings over you.
Luke's Grandmother
Luke? Ahhhh--Luke, my middle school helper. The sweet guy who I brought a cold Coke in my Vera lunchbag every day as a meager thanks for him playing soccer in the scalding sun when I desperately wanted to sit quiet in the shade. The person who clearly loved being around little kids and showed it by eagerly helping with their crafts and projects. The fella I couldn't help but tell every morning how grateful I was to get to hang out with him and how terrific he was with younger children.
I didn't pay attention to any of that interaction. I was too focused on the place I thought God needed me to be at work: the VBS children. So....what if I wasn't there for the kiddies at all, but instead for a young man who needed a kind word? I never thought much about it that possibility, but I sure am thinking it over tonight.
I am reminded for about the millionth time: service boils down to showing up with a willing heart. It's that simple. Next time instead of fretting, I'll leave it to God about what he intends to do with my meager efforts. I am pretty sure about one thing: it will not be what I expect.
In the meantime, I'll be squirreling this reminder away in another file, just to remind me when VBS rolls around again...
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